BPSC (Bihar PCS) J Success Story : Shreya Yadav
It is with great joy and proud we are bringing you the names our successful students, who by their hard work and mybookswala.in’s support passed all the stages of Bihar PCS J examination 2017.
Here at mybookswala.in students, aspirants and candidates all are trying and thriving for UPSA, IBPS, SBI, NABARD, PCS(J) and many other competitive and recruitment examinations with the constant and unmatched support of our question banks, mock tests, and eBooks.
Let’s meet one such name in many, shreya yadav, who cracked Bihar PCS J examinations 2017 with his will and our guidance.
Here is an interview with Shreya yadav conducted by one of our team members at mybookswala.in
What was your educational background?
I have completed my Graduation in Commerce from Patna University with 61% in aggregate in the year of 2015. Further I would like to say that I was average student since inception but it’s all about hard working and strong will.
What made you want to try for Bihar PCS-J? Did you take any other exam before this? What were your results?
Actually I wanted to join in Banking Sector, It was my dream. After Successfully Completion of Graduation I started studying hard and took the Bihar PCS J examination in 2017 and Successfully Cleared with my strong Ability and Hard Working and under guidance experts like mybookswala. As you know it very well that this is my first Competitive Examination. I have never appeared before it in any other Competitive Examination.
What resources did you use to study (both books and online)?
Apart From Study Materials Mybookswala.com – is one the best platforms for preparation of Competitive Examination like BPSC-J, IBPS Probationary Officer and IBPS Specialist Officer where you can find all the resources easily whether it is online mock test or study materials. You can practice there a number of Mock Tests. No limit on the test sets available. So ,you can keep on practicing with this site and check your standard.
Click Here To Get Complete Syllabus Mock Test For BPSC-J 2018-19
What was your reaction to the new pattern? Was there any separate strategy you adopted for Preliminary and Mains?
I was quite worried about the new pattern. I thought it would be difficult to clear it this time. But I would say this new pattern equips you to face any competitive exam and enhances your aptitude skills. 2 weeks before Prelims, I focused only on Aptitude, Reasoning, and English and never wasted my time in learning General Awareness and Computer during those weeks. Because, when you give your best in Prelims it gives you much confidence to face Mains. So, it’s important we give the right focus on both the levels of exam. Right after my Prelims exams I started focusing on General Awareness and Computer as I had already prepared for the other 3 sections for my Prelims itself.
What was your time management strategy during the exam? Which section do you think one should attempt first?
It is very tough for every aspirant to manage time during the examination. My strategy towards time management was practices whatever I had during preparation with both offline and online mock tests. In my view point English, Reasoning and Numerical section is the order of Attempt if one wants to attempt all the questions within the prescribed time frame.
Offline Study or Online, what do you prefer?
I think both are fine on their own but if you ask me I would choose online over the offline study. Because, while preparing online you can get an accurate assessment of your methods and answers instantly. Studying offline doesn’t have that benefit and over online you can find various mock tests related to the subject easily.
Any advice for fellow aspirant?
One thing I would like to advice to my fellow aspirants that there is no short cut to success you should work hard and do practice and practice towards predetermined goals under the guidance of expert then you will succeed.
Why did you choose this career?
As I have already told you that working in PCS-J Sector is my short term goal of my career that will help in achieving my long term goal.
How important do you think the mock test is for the competitive exam?
As per my experience Mock test play important role to the larger extent and they give you a very accurate idea of these exams and helps you in making strategies for the time management during the examination.